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Get 94% OFF Our Radical Transformation Program And Unlock Your Profound Potential TODAY...

Never feel forgetful, too stressed to work, or distracted again while YOU manifest your best self and master your mind.

It’s Time For The Best You To Surface…

Are you tired of waking up feeling distracted and unrested, like your true potential is just out of reach?

Despite their best efforts....

92% of people fail to achieve goals and truly change

That’s because most people are not understanding the nature of their mind, don't know how to work with their nervous system and body, and try to do it all on their own.

No matter how many times they try, how many gurus they follow, or what books they read — inside, many are unable to establish the habits necessary to empower their growth on their own.

And this lack of guidance and support results in:

  • Repeated failure even when they set dozens of virtual reminders.

  • Self-doubt eventually taking over the narrative.

  • Unreliable patterns of behavior, especially when things are hard and distractions are calling.

This problem isn’t going away, it's a critical barrier holding you back from your true potential. If you want the power to eliminate stress, bad habits, and distractability, you need to know exactly how to create RADICAL TRANSFORMATION with our proven methods.

Introducing: The BrainState

Radical Transformation Program

Discover the #1 Meditation Course and Neurobiology Protocols designed specifically for everyone seeking Self-Actualization.

1 Coaching Session &

12 Live Meditation-NeuroBio Masterclasses (plus more):

This course will teach you how to master your attention in 12 easy-to-follow live lessons and a ton of bonus protocols. This is the same process I used to get off unemployment, get off recreational drugs, realize my potential as a teacher, learn how my brain works, and enrich every one of my personal relationships.

Weekly Live Guided Meditations

HyperFocus Protocol By Using Your Vision System

Breathing Protocol For Autonomic Nervous System Control

Neurobiology of Goal Setting and Goal Seeking Behavior Protocol

Micro-Napping: Non-Sleep Deep Rest Protocol

Compassion Meditation

Insight Meditation

Have a question or want to talk to someone before registering?

Schedule a discovery call when it works for you.

Here’s what you’ll walk away with:

Mastered Meditation: Achieve successful meditation with 4 types of meditation guided classes designed so you never have doubts about practicing again

Radical Transformation: 1 on 1 coaching session with us is catered to your needs, making sure the program is as effective as possible at accomplishing your goals.

Checkmate Stress: Learn techniques to an overactive nervous system, making your body work for you and not against you.

Own Equanimity: Locate inner peace and keep it with you in your pocket. Unleash your greatness like a compass for your soul in every experience.

Love More: Deeply listen and truly hear; communicate your own ideas with unabashed clarity. Connect mindfully to attract the rarest opportunities.

Practical Application: Increase HRV, lower resting heart rate and breathing rate to ensure the longevity of your heart, lungs, and brain leading to peace in old age after your luscious career.


Click the order button below to save $434 with your 94% discount.

Immediately after purchasing the program, you’ll receive an email with the plan and access to events.

You'll also be redirected to book your first 1:1 call whenever it's convenient for you.


Regular Price: $̶474

Enroll today for a one-time payment of


Meet Your Instructor

Hey, I'm Timothy Morel! I've had my fair share of adversity, and growth. I know you can relate to that.

From depression, dependence, and self doubt to overcoming a reliance on dopaminergic stimuli, my path has been filled with struggle. But through these experiences, I've discovered powerful strategies that have transformed not only my life but the lives of millions of conscious thinkers worldwide.

The results? Drastic:

  • Freed myself from the dependency of recreational drugs and alcohol.

  • Transformed my relationships with my family and employees, with mindful listening and compassion.

  • Cultivated a deep sense of inner peace, reframing every challenge and experience.

  • Massively increased my production capabilities and quality of my work, and thus my income.

I'm here not just as a mental wizard, but as someone who has been you. I know your struggles, and I found the path through the dark forest. Let me return, and guide you through to a place where you can be better than the best version of yourself you can imagine. A human is a brain on a stick, and that brain is powerful. Are you sure you are using yours to the fullest?

-Timothy Morel

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